Newborn Care

Newborn Care in Maui, HI

Your baby is finally here! However, if you’re a first-time parent you may have a ton of questions about caring for your newborn. We know that dressing, changing, and even handling your little newborn may make you feel more than a little nervous, but trust us when we say, “You got this!” From providing your child with wellness checkups to offering parents recommendations and support, the pediatric healthcare team at Frank R. Baum, M.D., Inc. Pediatrics is here to help your family the moment you bring your newborn home. 


We know how tiny your newborn is but there are some basic ways to handle and support them safely. Make sure to:

  • Always wash your hands before holding or handling your baby
  • Always provide ample support for their head and neck
  • Always be gentle with your newborn
  • Never shake your baby, even to wake them


You will sponge bathe your newborn until the umbilical cord falls off and the area heals (if your baby has been circumcised you will want to wait for the area to heal completely, as well). Once you can start bathing your baby, you will only need to bathe them about 2-3 times a week (any more than that, and you risk drying out their skin). Use mild, fragrance-free shampoos and soaps designed for babies, as well as soft washcloths and towels. Once your child upgrades from sponge baths you’ll want to purchase an infant tub.


If you’re planning to breastfeed, you must start immediately in the hospital after your baby is born. Don’t worry, if it takes a little while to get the hang of it. That’s completely natural. Of course, if you do find yourself dealing with breastfeeding problems, we can recommend a lactation consultant to help make breastfeeding easier.

It’s important to create a feeding schedule. Newborns will need to nurse about every three hours. Create a comfortable space for you and the baby when you nurse, as it may take quite a bit of time in the very beginning and you both want to be comfortable. Most women need to maintain anywhere from 2,200-2,400 calories a day to keep up with the demands of nursing.

Lactation Consultations

When breastfeeding just doesn’t seem to get any easier, we understand that this can be frustrating for new moms; however, this is an issue that many women face, so you certainly aren’t alone. When you come into our practice there are a few questions that we will need to ask first to gather more information regarding you and your baby’s health, including pregnancy and delivery information. We will also check your baby’s weight and ask questions regarding breastfeeding and go through any specific concerns you have.

During a lactation consultation, we will examine many aspects of the breastfeeding process, from the baby’s positioning and behavior to making sure your baby is latching and sucking. We can also reposition the baby and correct any issues we may see to improve breastfeeding for both you and your baby. We will also write down any instructions that we provide, and you can call us at any time for additional help or for any new concerns that arise. While our goal is to make sure that your baby has everything they need to grow healthy and strong, our goal is also to you, the moms out there, that also need support, guidance, and help during this new transition into motherhood.

Reasons to consider lactation consulting include:

  • Trouble with latching or painful latching
  • Low milk supply
  • Poor weight gain in your infant or weight loss
  • Breast pain and/or infection
  • Refusal to take the breast or increased fussiness
  • You have a baby with special needs (e.g. premature infants; multiples)

Know When to See Your Pediatrician

Along with wellness checkups, our pediatric team is here for you and your baby whenever you need it. There will certainly come a time when your newborn may be sick or displaying symptoms that have you nervous. Give us a call anytime if your newborn:

  • Is under 2 months and has a fever over 100.4 degrees F
  • Won’t eat or refuses to eat
  • Has watery stools
  • Is unresponsive or extremely sleepy
  • Won’t stop crying and can’t be consoled
  • Has a red rash all over the body
  • Has any signs of infection around the umbilical cord (redness; swelling)
  • Has a swollen stomach

If you have questions about caring for the new addition to your family, or you're looking for a pediatrician before your child arrives, call Frank R. Baum, M.D., Inc. Pediatrics in Maui, HI at (808) 871-7116 to schedule an appointment!

Primary Location

200 Kalepa Pl,
Kahului, HI 96732


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:15 pm - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:15 pm - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:15 pm - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:15 pm - 5:00 pm





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